Ανακοινώσεις – Νέα
Επιστημονικά Περιοδικά με Κριτές:
Development of a Novel Bi-Enzymatic Nanobiocatalyst for the Efficient Bioconversion of Oleuropein to Hydroxytyrosol
Giannakopoulou, A., Chatzikonstantinou, A.V., Chalmpes, N., Tsapara, G., Gournis, D., Polydera, A.C., Stamatis, H.
Catalysts 2021, 11, 749.
- Production of hydroxytyrosol rich extract from Olea europaea leaf with enhanced biological activity using immobilized enzyme reactors
Chatzikonstantinou, A.V., Giannakopoulou, Α., Spyrou, S., Simos, Y. V., Kontogianni, V. G., Peschos, D., Katapodis, P., Polydera, A. C., Stamatis, H.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2022, 29624–29637,
- A Bi-enzymatic Immobilized Nanobiocatalyst for the Biotransformation of Oleuropein to Hydroxytyrosol
Giannakopoulou A., Chatzikonstantinou A.V., Tsakni A., Chochos C.L., Houhoula D., Stamatis H.
Methods in Molecular Biology 2022, 2487, 279 – 296,
- Designing Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Polyethylene Films with Bioactive Compounds/Clay Nanohybrids for Potential Packaging Applications
Safakas, K., Giotopoulou, I., Giannakopoulou, A., Katerinopoulou, K., Lainioti, G.C., Stamatis, H., Barkoula, N.-M., Ladavos, A.
Molecules 2023, 28 (7), art. no. 2945
Κεφάλαια Βιβλίων:
- A Bi-enzymatic Immobilized Nanobiocatalyst for the Biotransformation of Oleuropein to Hydroxytyrosol.
Giannakopoulou, A., Chatzikonstantinou, A.V., Tsakni, A., Chochos, C.L., Houhoula, D., Stamatis, H.
A Bi-enzymatic Immobilized Nanobiocatalyst for the Biotransformation of Oleuropein to Hydroxytyrosol. In: Stamatis, H. (eds) Multienzymatic Assemblies. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2487, 2022.
Humana, New York, NY.
Επιστημονικά Συνέδρια:
- Biocatalytic Production of Hydroxytyrosol Derivatives with Enhanced Antioxidant Activity
Giannakopoulou, A., Chatzikonstantinou, V. A., Fotiadou, R., Polydera, C. A., Simos, V. I., Peschos, D., Katapodis, P., Stamatis, H.
International Conference on Oxidative Stress, Redox Homeostasis & Antioxidants, 22-24/06/2022, Paris, France
- Towards the development of LDPE multi-layered packaging films with enhanced bioactivity
Giotopoulou I., Giannakopoulou A., Stamatis H., Barkoula N.-M
European Conference of Composite Materials (ECCM 20), 26-30/06/2022, Lausanne, Switcherland
- Adsorption of bioactive compounds on clays
Safakas, K., Katerinopoulou, K., Ladavos, A., Giotopoulou, I., Barkoula, N.-M., Giannakopoulou, A., Stamatis, H., Lambropoulos, I.
AIPEA – XVII International Clay Conference, 25-29/07/2022, Istanbul, Turkey
- Enzymatic modification of biopolymers with phenolic antioxidants
Giannakopoulou, A., Fotiadou, R., Tsapara, G., Polydera, A. C., Chatzikonstantinou, A. V., Spyrou, S., Stamatis, H.
IUPAC International Conference on Green Chemistry (9th ICGC), 5-9/09/2022, Athens, Greece
- Ενζυμική τροποποίηση βιοπολυμερών με φαινολικές ενώσεις για ανάπτυξη καινοτόμων βιοϋλικών
Γιαννακοπούλου, Α., Τσαπάρα, Γ., Χατζηκωνσταντίνου, Α., Φωτιάδου, Ρ., Πολύδερα, Α., Ν-Μ. Μπάρκουλα, Χ. Σταμάτης,
16 ο Πανελλήνιο Συμπόσιο Κατάλυσης, Χανιά 20-22 Οκτωβρίου, 2022
- A multi-enzymatic approach for the modification of biopolymers through hydroxytyrosol-enriched olive leaves extract
Giannakopoulou, Α., Fotiadou, R., Barkoula, N.-M., Polydera, A., Stamatis, H.
10th Panhellenic Conference of the Greek Lipid Forum, 25/11/2022, Athens, Greece p.25 of Book of Abstracts
- Use of phenolic compounds from olive oil by-products for the enzymatic preparation of lipophilic antioxidants
Fotiadou, R., Fragkaki, I., Giannakopoulou, A., Stamatis, H.
10th Panhellenic Conference of the Greek Lipid Forum, 25/11/2022, Athens, Greece p.84 of Book of Abstracts
- Ανάπτυξη ενεργούς συσκευασίας με επίστρωση βιοδραστικών ουσιών σε μεμβράνες LDPE
Γιωτοπούλου, Η., Γιαννακοπούλου, Α., Σταμάτης, Χ., Μπάρκουλα, Ν.-Μ.
12ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Βιοϋλικών, 15-17/12/2022, Αθήνα, Ελλάδα
- Effect of storage time on antioxidant activity of LDPE films loaded with bioactive nanocarriers
Safakas, Κ., Lainioti, G.C., Ladavos, A.
International Conference on Nanoscience & Nanotechnologies (NN23), 4-7/07/2023, Thessaloniki, Greece
- LDPE bioactive films: from the lab to the pilot production – challenges and perspectives
Giotopoulou, I., Barkoula, N.-M., Porfyris, A., Vouyiouka, S., Safakas, K., Lainioti, G., Ladavos, A., Fotiadou, R., Polydera, Α.K., Stamatis, H., Papageorgiou, A., Thanassoulia, I., Lambropoulos, I.
The 10th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Advanced Materials (ICSAAM 2023), 10-14/09/2023, Zakynthos, Greece.
Η παρουσίαση απέσπασε το βραβείο καλύτερης προφορικής ομιλίας για νέους επιστήμονες
- Low density polyethylene/clay nanohybrids’ films with improved antioxidant, antimicrobial and barrier properties
Safakas, Κ., Lainioti, G.C., Giotopoulou, I., Fotiadou, R., Stamatis, H., Barkoula, N.-M., Ladavos, A.
Synthesis and characterization of functional nanocomposite materials. E-MRS_2023_fall meeting, 18-21/09/ 2023, Warsaw, Poland
- Valorization of olive by-products towards the preparation of active packaging films
Fotiadou, R., Fragkaki, I., Stamatis., H.
14th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE) and the 7th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology (ECAB), 17-21/09/2023, Berlin, Germany, p.537 of Book of Abstracts
- Antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of natural extracts of byproducts derived from the olive oil and winemaking processing
Athanasiou P. E., Fotiadou, R., Fragkaki, I., Patila, M., Spyrou, S., Polydera, A. C., Stamatis, H.
10th International Conference of Mikrobiokosmos, 30/11-2/12/2023, Larissa, Greece
- Biocatalytic production of hydroxytyrosol-rich extract from Olea europaea leaf with enhanced biological activity
Chatzikonstantinou, A.V., Spyrou, S., Fotiadou, R., Patila, M., Simos, Y.V., Peschos, D., Polydera, A. C., Stamatis, H.
73ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο της Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Βιοχημείας και Μοριακής Βιολογίας Αθήνα, Ίδρυμα Ευγενίδου, 1-3/12/2023
- Φυλλάδιο AntiMicrOxiPack σε μορφή PDF.